initiatives > Christian Inclusion & Politics & Governance (CIPG)
Christian Inclusion & Politics & Governance (CIPG)
CIPG is a fully mapped-out, surreptitious strategy to have Christians populate and dominate the major political parties and elective offices. It starts with a state-wide summit tour, which will give birth to our cell system, which will then transition to a political caucus.

our mission
Empowering Christians to shape Nigeria's future by increasing participation, representation, and influence within the major political parties, promoting a values-driven approach to governance.

To mobilize young Christians within all states, local governments, and wards to join APC, PDP, and other parties.
- Partner with 50 churches and hold 2-day summits with their members who are strong, spirit-filled believers, passionate about nation-building, and interested in being part of God’s move in Nigeria.
- Equip them and group them into ‘Cell 35’ (a house fellowship model). Select cell leaders (President & Deputy, Secretary, etc.), provide them with materials and workbooks, and inaugurate them.
- Enroll them on our tech platform for data organization, transparency, monitoring, and evaluation.
- Provide a directory of party leaders across the federation on the platform.
- Offer incentives to those who upload their party membership cards to the platform and get enrolled into APC ’35’ and PDP ’35’ to motivate them.
- Major churches in the state where we’re implementing.
- Similar FBOs/NGOs.
- Influential, solid Christians.
- Tech solution providers.
- Philanthropists.

Set up TURA Strategy for spiritual territorial takeover, divine politicking strategy development, and problem-solving within every cell structure.
- The movement leaders/trainers will hold a bi-weekly time with the Holy Ghost.
- Every day of the 2-day summit will kick off with an hour-long communion with the Holy Spirit for infilling and dialogue with God.
- Every Cell-35 meeting will begin with half an hour of infilling and dialogue with the Holy Spirit.
- The two major party fragments will develop a takeover strategic plan.
- Every caucus meeting, after listing out the matters at hand, will begin with an hour-long fellowship with the Holy Spirit for wisdom and direction, followed by a session of deliberations.
- All TURA activities (e.g., Bullet Prayer) will be carried out through the Cell-35 platform.

To mobilize these Christians within the major parties into a caucus that will strategically and subtly introduce 'righteousness that will exalt Nigeria.'
- A topic in the material for Cell-35 will teach our caucus plan, helping each person to understand it sufficiently.
- The first person to join at the ward level and log in on the tech platform will be the one to start the caucus.
- Any other person who joins that ward and logs in will be directed to the existing caucus structure.
- The same will apply to the structures across the LGA, state, and federal levels of the party.
- Secret meetings will be held where takeover strategies will be conceived and mapped out.
- Situation reports will be developed and uploaded to an encrypted server for leadership intervention.
- Support (financial and tactical) will be given to whoever is well-positioned to run, as revealed from the situation report.

To mobilize the church/core Christians to surreptitiously infiltrate, actively participate, and take over positions of power, thereby deploying spiritual resources to fix the nation.
- After undergoing all our programs, we’ll encourage and support our men and women who have displayed exceptional leadership qualities and a deep understanding of their political terrain to run for office.
- Interested candidates will be required to undergo an intensive political leadership test, where those who excel will qualify for the next stage.
- We will connect the candidates to influential political mentors in the region through the MOP Nigeria Mentorship program.
- Provide strategy, funding, tactical, and other support needed to ensure victory in the elections and/or appointments.